Arkansas Academy of Industrial Engineering

Guest Lecturers

Vance Clement A4U Committee Chair

Vance Clement

The Arkansas Academy of Industrial Engineers has over 180 active members.  Each of these members has over 15 years of business experience and is an expert in some part of engineering or business.  The Industrial Engineering Faculty cannot be available for every single class during a semester.  They, like all of us, have conferences to attend as well as family matters that take precedence over work at times.  There are also times during a school year that bringing in a guest lecturer can add some variety in substance to a course as well as provide real world experiences that the faculty member may or may not be able to provide.
The Guest Lecturer Program maintains a list of able and qualified candidates that can serve as a Guest Lecturer in classes.  If a class on robotics has a section focused on medical robotics, then why not bring in an alumni that has real world experience in the medical robotics area to share their knowledge.  Other alumnus have years of financial experience that can add substance and perspective to an engineering economics class. The AAIE membership has a wealth of experience to share.


If you are interested in participating in the Guest Lecturer program, please contact Vance Clement, chair of the A4U Committee of the AAIE at to get more information.

Contact Information

Arkansas Academy of
Industrial Engineering

Bell Engineering Center, 4207
Fayetteville, AR
Phone: 479.575.6029
Fax: 479.575.8431
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